Box Mapping - bounding box per object

Hello. I have facade panels with varying sizes and I would like to apply box mapping to each panels bounding box. The standard way of applying box mapping takes the cumulative bounding box and there’s not option to specify “per object”. Is there a way of applying bounding box mapping per object (maybe with a custom script)?

Hi @brglez.primoz ,

Assign one Box map to all the panels and then with them selected use this option in Properties > Texture Mapping…

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This doesn’t seem to work as it should. At least not for custom c-panes.

World vs. C-plane

For now i’ll use this workaround of rotating the object to world cplane, but ideally this should work for cplanes as well.

Any chance you can send me the 3dm in a DM?

Thanks! I filed this as RH-80944 for future reference but will keep the report confidential.