Bouncy solver not detecting solid

I am trying to drape a cloth onto a floor with gravity. (15.7 KB)

I tried giving your solid a bit more extrusion thickness (it was 1) and works like a charm:


Thanks. any suggestions how I can get this to appear more like a piece of cloth or a rug on the floor, with slight wrinkling?

I would insert a Grab (that allows you to drag Kangaroo mesh vertexes directly with left mouse button on the Rhino window), a weavebird subdivision (to make the mesh a bit more soft), and a 0…1.000 number slider as input to the Z force

in such a way you can set Z strength to zero, wrinkle the cloth by hand, activate a bit of z push again to let it fall, wrinkle again on so on: (16.5 KB)

I think increasing a bit the cloth-mesh definition would give you better result


this is ten million times better than my above one :slight_smile: