BooleanDifference and MergeAllCoplanarFaces in one macro?

Hi all. I do try to create a simple macro to MergeAllCoplanarFaces after a BooleanDifference operation and seems that it is not working as I think it should. My macro looks like this, but unfortunately it is not doing the MargeAllCoplanarFaces part.

! _BooleanDifference _MergeAllCoplanarFaces

Boolean_Difference_MergeAllCoplanarFaces_Macro.3dm (124.2 KB)

_booleanDifference _pause _pause _selnone _sellast _mergeallcoplanarFaces _selnone

you may want to add the delete options for the _booleanDifference as well…
the last _selnone is optional - wether you want the result being sected.

kind regards -tom

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