Allow preselected Brep faces to be used in the command.
Allow more than two faces to be selected. If there is an option for merging all coplanar, more than two faces should also work.
There are two commands MergeCoplanarFace and MergeAllCoplanarFaces. MergeCoplanarFace has an option to merge all coplanar faces. Given that there are a lot of commands in Rhino, MergeAllCoplanarFaces seems unnecessary
You’re right that the two commands seem redundant and don’t cover all the possible use cases in an efficient manner, but they will not be removed by creating a better one. Because Rhino is a scripting environment, all previous commands need to stay for backwards compatibility.
I’m not against this option, it’s convenient, but the most simple macro made out of MergeCoplanarFace would do the same. I guess the MergeAllCoplanarFaces can stay, but in general, it would be good if the vanilla Rhino version did not have doubled commands. You can always make an Alias like this.
I agree, maybe the good solution would be to hide all the redundant ones from autocompletion. Maybe there might be also an option in Rhino: hide redundant commands.