Not that I know off, nor in my experience.
Obviously the setting only gives impact when the pivot is basically oriented other than the World-coordinates?!
In my example (which you have seen) I have nothing but the object, but the object itself wouldn’t know the orientation (although I can visually see the angle it should have). I thought that the orientation (which you also illustrated above) was somehow calculated by Bongo - how else would it (the Pivot) know what to “aim” at?
Edit: In one attempt I even tried to use a line, which was oriented as I want the Pivot to be oriented, but still the Pivot won’t orient the same way. I wonder how you did it? Did you just uncheck the checkbox?
Fig 1. Pivot pointing “straight” along X-axis instead of being aligned with its object (the line) :
You must define the orientation of the pivot yourself, using the BongoOrientPivot command
or the button:
The OSnap tools can be used to get the x-axis of the pivot (in FrontView) from being horizontal to pointing the center of the sphere (use OSnap Center).
The Gumball cannot be used to orient or move the pivot (only to manipulate the object itself).
OK, now I know exaclty why I didn’t find it. The icon-menus are different, and it’s missing in the main menu which is the only one I’ve looked at. Apparently I didn’t expect the menus to be different…
This is the kind of UIs that makes people feel entirely lost. I mean, I actually expected to find such a tool, and still didn’t find it, and that means that the UI is a … ah, never mind. Now I can proceed anyway.