Bongo plugins not showing up in Rhino 8

Bongo is installed and plugins load for Rhino 7, but I don’t see Bongo in the list of plugins for Rhino 8.
What do I do?

You can either run the _MigratePlugIns command and check both Bongo plug-ins, or you can manually load Bongo 2.0 into Rhino 8 the following way:

In Tools > Options > Plug-ins
Click the Install button and go to:
C:\Program Files\Bongo 2.0 (64-bit)\Rhino6
Select the Bongo.20.rhp file and press Open.

Click the Install -button again and go to:
C:\Program Files\Bongo 2.0 (64-bit)
Select the BongoUI.20.v60.rhp file and press Open.
Now Bongo should be loaded inside Rhino .

Please note that the rhp files need to be loaded in that order. If you try loading it the other way (As in the UI rhp first) the plug-in won’t load.

MigratePlugins worked perfectly, thanks Marika! :slight_smile: