BlockEdit gone wrong

Hello and HELP!
I have a file with several blocks.
I needed to edit a nested block, so I temporarily inserted it on 0,0 to BlockEdit it.
I made a couple of changes but then I needed to undo. As it was really slow, I did a few undos too many, and instead of stopping at the BlockEdit command, Rhino went all the way back until the actual insert of the block… the block disappeared but I was still in BlockEdit mode, therefore editing a block that was not inserted… So, I did redo until it reappeared, and continued to edit the block…
When I was prepared to save the changes, I could not press the ok on the BlockEdit window. So, I pressed the cross on the top right, thinking that I would lose the edits…
The BlockEdit window went away, but I stayed on BlockEdit mode, i.e. the surfaces outside of the block still greyed… so, I closed and saved the file…
When I reopen the file, it continues in Block Edit mode… and there’s no window to save or discard the changes… any ideas???

Hi N - Unlock should get your file back to normal.


Yes, thanks. That is true.
I found a solution by inserting it in a new file.