Tried it first on a vertical row of circles that were beyond Cplane,
then they are moving up/down my ront view with cursor hairs at bottom of sothern most circle.
I presume I pick the base of the existing circle as at least then they match up, result, no change, nothing on Cplane.
try again and this time pick the Cplane using Top View, no good.
I try the attached file in my opening post, working in front view, result definitely not flattened to Cplane.
I wouldn’t use Blocks just for circles, and certainly not for circles
you intend to modify by projecting to CPlane. That’s not what they’re
meant for, you can’t edit the geometry inside blocks(which projecting to
CPlane does even if for circles all it effectively does is move it)
unless you explode them into geometry.
I need somehow to minimise memory and by now if these were just normal circles, and I have a long way to go yet, they would have ground Rhino to a halt.
Also I am going to need to alter their size later on and the blocks allow for that. I need to do that before projecting as after project, they become unintelligent.
I am going to end up with a load of non planar circles with project to the aircraft skin, but dont want circle memory overload before I even do that.
The other suggestion of Record History in my post asking how to minimise memory for such is no good as one cannot move an individual ‘child’ circle afterwards, and if you move the master ‘mother’ everything moves…nightmare, wrecks the entire project.
Trying to keep a watch on whether or not record history is on, doesnt take much to knock it off recording !
If I could just project the blocks to Cplane I would be ok, they will project to a planar surface but not Cplane.
same thing, just is transparent !!!..joking of course !
Maybe I need to create a planar surface on Cplane and project to that !
That will give me curves not block instances, how can I then convert those to block instances to keep memory low ?