Any idea how can generate a bionic grid of circles / ellipses based on water drop flow morphology or is it easier to do it manually without GH?
Any alternative solutions to keep the grid from getting distorted?
Can I download the file?
Oh, so this isn’t your file? I don’t have the file though.
It’s all mine, I just didn’t upload the file
water drops.gh (31.2 KB)
So what do you want to happen differently?
I think the problem is a strong distortion of circles and ellipses, when they are centripetally attracted, and perhaps this deformation can somehow be smoothed by rebuilding the curves.
Also all the bubbles are tightly packed, I would like to defuse them and reduce the density not by quantity, by the force of tension and they’re all clutching at each other
I mustn’t have made myself clear
The curves are breaking because you’re attempting to offset individual curves. This should fix that:
Rebuilding the polyline as an interpolated curve is optional.
I don’t have the ättractor plug-in (or whatever it’s called) so I don’t know how this will fare with the attractor based distorting. You could always evaluate the shrink-wrapped perimeter curve at the end though.
@DanielPiker I am curious in an applied sense to ask - do I understand correctly that with Kangaroo physics we can simulate many natural and biological processes and mechanisms, be it, for example, the surface tension of water or the growth and division of plant cells and microparticles, etc.?
Hey Ilya, this post of Daniel might hold the answer that you’re looking for?
Kangaroo can be useful for simulating the physics part of biological processes - like elasticity/gravity/repulsion/attraction etc.
For biological things that need to also change their properties over time in a simple way- such as steady growth, this is sometimes possible with a slider or a counter and timer.
If you want more complex time-based processes like cell division, with changes in topology or actions that change based on feedback from the simulation, you’d generally need to do some scripting. For this you can call the KangarooSolver from within your script for the physics, but the biological part you’d have to write yourself.