Hello, I am interested in playing around with this algorithm for GH. I’d like to morph hexagons into circles, but a bit more linearly. I down loaded the .gh file linked to the image, but Rhino 7/GH doesn’t recognize the file. Do older GH files work with Rhino 7? I can always build the algorithm via the image but I’m not very familiar with the Symbols on each input/command. I’m fairly new to GH. Any insight into morphing arrayed hexagons to circles in a linear direction? I would like it to follow a more organic path, but I think I could achieve that just by deleting elements from the rectangle. I’ll post a quick(and sloppy) reference image of what I’m trying to achieve.
So I was able to construct most of the algorithm. I’m could not figure out what input/command the two white boxes at the middle bottom are. I thought they might be inputs so I just made two number sliders and set the top one to 1 and bottom one to 0. All of the commands across the bottom up to the “remap numbers” as well as the “boundary surfaces” are orange, which I think is due to an empty point input, but I’m not sure what to input there.
Thanks for replying. I keep getting an error here that says “1. You must supply equal numbers of points and motion vectors”. I’ve tried inputting 2, 3, 4, and 5 points.