Bezel Set Ring

Ring design is considerably hard. I started with something simple and reasonably ugly…

Rhino 8, Cycles, and hard use of shrinkwrap, which is fantastic for this sort of thing.

I wanted an almost “used/second hand” look, so it is slightly faceted and tinged.


This looks fantastic.Did you render it with cycles rhino or in Blender?

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Many thanks!

This is done in Rhino Cycles.

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Hello David,

Is there any chance you could post the file either before you applied the shrinkwrap or after applied but still with the original geometry in the file? I am curious as to why you felt you needed to use the shrinkwrap command.Seems that you could achieve closed NURBS objects prior to covering the ring shank to a mesh.

Thank you,


I believe he used shrinkwrap for the rendering / polygons.

Hi there!

Richard is 100% correct. It was really a modelling aid; cheating if you would. I was doing some speed modelling, so I decided that instead of fettling fillets, I’d just Shrinkwrap my way to the final model.


Hello David and Richard,

Thank you for the explanation. Appreciated.


Realistic! Keep it up!

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