Flow along curve, make surface to match polyline flow

Hello people,
Can I make an object A to follow a polyline “B” shape.
I tried a command “flow along curve” but it;s not working how is supposed to.
Thank you

Hi @Ever_R
How is it not working? Flow along curve should be correct approach, but you need to provide some info on how it’s not working or - even better - the file in question, for people to be able to help you :slight_smile:
HTH, Jakob

Hi @Ever_R
After looking closer at the screengrab; if those are sharp corners on your polyline, you are better off cutting the plane manually and orienting the pieces by rotating them. From my experience, Flow will have a hard time getting around those corners, unless you rebuild the surface with lots of control points.
HTH, Jakob

You also need a “base curve” to flow from, so have you tried making a line that is straight and below the curves you want to flow? You can measure the length of the target polyline with “length” so you get the correct length for your base curve.