On the page for configuring the LicensesZooClient.Settings on a Mac to automatically pick up a server, there are no instructions for Rhino 8 (How Does Rhino for Mac Find a LAN Zoo Server? [McNeel Wiki]). I’ve tried saving the file to /Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager to see if it would work with no success.
Does this mean that Rhino 8 does not support this sort of automation? I’ve gotten it to work is to manually specify the server address via the App when prompted, so it’s not an issue with the LAN Zoo server.
Moving to Cloud Zoo is also not an option because this is for a lab environment that’s not limited to a static list of students and faculty.
Thanks for linking the other issue, but it seems like a different problem. I can connect to LAN Zoo without issue if I open the app and manually configure it that way. It would be able to establish a connection and pull a license from the server as expected.
The problem I have is with configuring the LicensesZooClient.Settings file so that a new user on a computer would not be required to manually enter their email address and input the server hostname in order to obtain a license.
After licensing Rhino 8 to connect to our LAN Zoo server on a test Mac, it does not create the file mentioned in step 2 (Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager/Licenses/868c63f5-3760-4a45-8600-5399cc57b47c.lic). I’m assuming this is because our license is a educational lab license that has 30 floating seats. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I had assumed that these instructions are not appropriate for our use.
Turns out it was a combination of things. I was able to get the files to generate on another computer, but I also had to set the permissions to 755 instead of 644 in order for it to work. Thanks for the assistance!