Can't connect to Zoo

After upgrading to Zoo 8, I tried to open Rhino 7 (on Mac machines) and only some machines recognize the server. I downgraded to the same version and am having the same issue. This is an educational lab license. Any ideas?

One option I might try is to blow away the V8 Mac local licensing files on those workstations, so when you start Rhino, you can specify the LAN Zoo again.

  • “/Users//Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager/Licenses”
  • “/Users//Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/ra_cache.txt”
  • “/Users/Shared/McNeel/Rhinoceros/8.0/License Manager/Licenses”

Any luck?

no sorry, didn’t work.
so odd

This Wiki page for testing Mac Rhino connectivity back to a LAN Zoo was just updated today.

Try running these tests from one of the Macs that is having problems connecting to your LAN Zoo.

Any luck on determining the issue?

Yes! Our IT team figured it out… We now have connection to ZOO 8, and both Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 connect. Very frustrating. But now we can move on with our lives. I hope this helps others. See below what my IT colleague explained he did:

The issue I found is that the VLAN the license server located is different from some client computers, so only those computers won’t get licensed. The fastest solution is move those computers to the same VLAN with the zoo server. Or if the computer can provide any solution from their end, their server client seems not work for multiples VLANs, unless we add additional network interfaces for different VLANs and bind all the IP addresses.