Assign facade elements to points random

Im trying to do something i think is quite simple but cant hack it!

Im trying to assign these facade elements ive made onto

a surface with a given distance. I have made a grid of points with the given distance and i have all the polysurfaces ready.
(In the image the elements are a bit unevenly spaced, but they are all the same size) :slight_smile:
What i tried thus far is breps into a jitter component then move them to the points, but when i do so Rhino crashes.
As you can see the number of elements is smaller than the number of points.

Anybody know a way to make this work?

Will be great if you can share a Rhino file to see what the issue is.

this is like a base-case scenario assuming the following things, but could be a starting point

  • you are not interested in having a count of each item, they just get randomly distributed on the points
  • all the points in the grid must be filled with a shape
  • coordinate system is as shown in picture, otherwise you might need to change XZ Planes into something else, and also adjust the sliders of the Evaluate Box accordingly (56.7 KB)

Thank you for the help but it seems my computer either cant handle it or something else is wrong!
I think it might be bc my breps are quite complex?
Either way it seems strange that it doesnt work, given that i managed to model them without too much trouble to begin with.

So what im trying to do is essentially to make a facade with the same concept as Herzog de Meurons Vitra Schaudepot.

Here is the file with points and polysurfaces.

open the Rhino file you have attached, after that launch GH and open this definition, in my laptop it takes about 10 seconds to calculate: (51.3 KB)

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Now it seems rhino cpu is spiking a lot when i try to open the file. I dont have Rhino 8 - maybe this is why this isnt working? Sorry for the fuss

Tried a bit now with reduced meshes, it really seems i need to make some simpler bricks instead of trying to mimick the irregular chipping too much :slight_smile:

It cooks my RAM every time i try to run it and my setup is not even that bad!

if you use meshes, probably youโ€™ll have to replace the Brep parameter with a Mesh one, but I think it should run fine

if you need to apply the same patterning to surfaces oriented in different directions, probably itโ€™s better to build frames directly on those to take advantage of normal to get orientation planes

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