Array custom object

I just bought these model. I was wondering, is there a way to set a whole object as a “curtain wall element” in order to be arrayed?
Alternatively, which solution would you suggest in order to use these detailed model and easily array them?

Hello @clacortese,

I think the best option is to create a Rhino block with that geometry to create an Element Style with it. This is the workflow you can follow, instead of a Door Style you will need to do it with an Element Style:

Hello Alfonso and thanks for the reply,

from what I understand this method just convert the object in a visualArc object, but do I have possibility of make it parametrical or for instance array it like a curtain wall?

Hello @clacortese,

Not exactly, what you do is to create a style and then select the Rhino block as the geometrical representation of this style.

Using Rhino blocks the objects will not be parametric though. If you want to make them parametric you need to define the style as a regular curtain wall style or you can also create a custom parametric style by creating a Grasshopper Style. Curtain walls cannot be created as a Grasshopper Style yet, but you can create them as an Element Grasshopper Style for now.