Applying Materials to Va Walls

Greetings Folks,

I am looking to apply different materials on either sides of a VaWall(White on one side, green on the other), but its only allowing me to apply one texture. I dont want to explode the wall because that would mess up my joining/hatching and plan views.

Any suggestions?

If on mac:
shift+command+click on the surface lets you select one surface of a polysurface/extrusion to change the properties (including render material) without having to explode or anything. I’m not sure what they exact keys are on windows but probably similar.

Hi @Denzel_Hill ,

Here’s one idea. You could create a second layer in your wall, which would allow you to apply different materials to each layer. How’s that sound?

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This works, but I would have to make a separate wall just for a “green” colored wall assembly that has white on the other side…per-say. Why can’t I apply a texture to a face of a vaWall?

I am aware of this ability to select faces of surfaces. However, this does not work with the VaWall

And what do you do in window reveals. There different materials/colors on the inside/outside also. What i have read on the VA3 website, it still cant do proper reveals with multilayer walls.

In the wall style, set the wall layers you always want to be white to a white material and the green side to a material “By Parent”. That way, you have just one wall style that is always white on one side and any color on the other. You can then apply the material in the object properties window.

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Hi everyone,

Applying texture mapping by style component is not supported yet but here you have a workaround you can use in the meantime:

Before applying that texture, you will need to apply materials by style component as well. Here you have a tip about how to do it:

Did this ever get covered in VA3? WCS is not available as far as I can tell with VRay and never has been. The ability to apply render materials to surfaces is fairly important even if the object is within a VA block

@avatarlucas the option to assign texture mappings for VisualARQ object components individually has not been implemented yet. The earliest will be in VisualARQ 4, but no guarantee at this moment.

I guess this is a request for the Chaos group (add my vote if you ask it for).