Apply pattern to brep(joined by three surfaces)

Hello, everyone. As a new guy, i want to apply some pattern(example picture) on this brep which have three surfaces. Normally, we get the base surface from rhino by one surface, but i have surfaces from alias software. If the base surface is this kind of brep, what should i do, surface morph doesn’t work on brep. please give me a hand, thanks!

brep join (47.4 KB)

It partly depends on what you are going to do next.

Used pOd.

Cosine Wave from GH.Parametric:

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could you please share your file ?

Hi Quan,
Very thankful to your expertise. Based on your script, i have made some test that has right direction for my intention. However, i have some problem when visualizing the outcome, there are some strange frame line at the end of new shape.

i try to rebuild curve in GH, but it doesn’t work well.

by the way, at the both end of shape, i want to keep distance continuity less than 0.005

Here is my GH
brep join problem Edited (56.0 KB)

Do you have some suggestion? thanks in advance.

Sorry, you mean the file has problem ?
I have reuploaded the rhino and gh files. Please check it out.
brep join problem Edited V0-test.3dm (230.9 KB)
brep join problem Edited (59.2 KB)

Still the same.
And please internalize the geometry, don’t upload 3DM.
I am unsure if this is the reason, but if you use a coordinate system XZY, try changing it to XYZ.

i have double-checked the file, i think the problem is in join brep. we need to change units tolerance first.please make sure the parameter like this.

the same issue posted by me is solved by Joseph Oster, here is link Problem in brep join - #2 by Joseph_Oster

this is internalised data
brep join problem Edited (56.7 KB)

Adding this pattern to a polysurface is remarkable. I suggest you make this to the gallery, so people will know this kind of thing is possible in this way.

I personally tend to think those elusive curves are just rendering artifacts.
But let’s invite some users much more experienced than me to look into this.

@martinsiegrist ,@Joseph_Oster
May I ask your opinion on those curves?
Are those curves are rendering (7.6 MB)
No plugin, just the Brep. The Brep was made under the Absolute Tolerance as 0.01.

Looks like artifacts.

I have not looked at the file with the mapping but I assume the brep is rebuilt or a patch is created to map the pattern?

@martinsiegrist Thank you very much!
I excluded the mapping plugin pOd from the definition.
brep join problem Edited V0-test-internalize pOd Plugin (246.2 KB)

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but, when i open this in other 3d software, named alias, this part look clear and weird. i think the surface and highlight and have some problem.

Garbage in, garbage out. There are two things here. In Alias the Render mesh seems not very dense. Other than that the highlights look quite bad. I guess this is because of the mess you see on the Rhino images in first place. You either need to rebuild the surface properly, which will likely even destroy the positional continuity. Or better, you create those surface clean from the beginning on. Its not an easy task in Grasshopper, due to crappy surface tooling, but its doable. Other than that, you can always create as much as possible in Grasshopper and do the rest in Alias manually. It depends. But the problem with most plugins is that they yield horrible geometry. It basically starts with the curves. You need to ensure to maintain light-weight curves and surfaces from beginning on. After each deformation (e.g. when projecting) you need to refine it again.

And if you ask now, why can’t I provide a solution, then I can answer you that a professional solution takes a week of work and someone with lot of experience in modelling and Grasshopper. The trick is to know the manual modelling process and how to work around the Grasshopper limitations in order to automate this. It highly depends on the geometry and the pattern, so there is no universal solution.