Apply pattern to brep

Hi everyone, i want to apply this pattern to picked surfaces(black) in grasshopper, the other surfaces (green)should keep still. I have no idea to do. Thanks in advance.
this is pattern picture
this is 3d data
PILLOW.3dm (216.3 KB)
i want to get it like this

search this forum for FlowAlongSrf (rhino, modelling)
and Sporph, Surface Morph (grasshopper component)

maybe a starting-point:

also displacements might be an approach:

kind regards - tom

soft surface (40.7 KB)
The result is a closed BREP.

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Thanks Quan. it’s very close to my intention. But, the new closed BREP have continuity problem with other surfaces which is what i want to avoid the most.

Thanks tom,
however, the reference you mention can’t work on my question.

Hi, Joseph, this post is created by me too. i have talk with Quan, the method he offered can’t solve my problem.

soft surface (42.4 KB)
Increase curvature with the slider

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