Hi all, I am trying to create a pattern/texture on a curved surface, however I am working from either a SubD or an open polysurface. Most of the grasshopper scripts I have take a Surface as an input, any ideas about working with SubDs instead? Thanks.
GH converts subd to BREP for most operations anyway. If you connect SUBD to a BREP node you can keep working on your script and have it act on the BREP while in Rhino you can keep the SUBD. Don’t think you can preserve the SUBD topolgy throughout a GH script.
Thanks for the help. I continued subd in rhino and surface in GH. I’m starting to understand the use of each type of surface better.
If your SubD is made of quad faces it makes things easier some times, you can use various mapping or transformation methods as a hack. This isn’t the same as directly patterning the SubD, but it’s a way to further part of the understanding:
subdsporph.gh (18.1 KB)