Apple Silicon/M1 - No for BigSur 11.2, yes for BigSur 11.3

I work on MacBook pro M1 with keyshot 10.1 Rhino 7 and Fusion 360
they work in emulation but the computer is powerful enough to do what I need.

the issue with m1 is developers, Apple silicon was announced a while back and there were already developer kits available. I understand it’s hard to recompile a 3d software… but for example Spotify is still running on emulation… not a big effort to recompile for such a big company…

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Ciao Jacopo,

Grazie per le dritte,

Buona giornata

E in bocca al lupo per gli studi

well, it is not a law to write english in an english forum. but in that case some information was shared which others could benefit from, keeping it to english which is whether you like it or not the more international language would be less complicated for everybody. i also speak german natively, i am not sure if everybody starts speaking their language it might become more like a mess than a sorted communication :slight_smile:

@lucapapini @jacopo.cavagnoli using google translate for each post is pretty bothersome… can you share that info in english again what you actually tweaked in specific that it stopped crashing jacopo? i am considering an m1 now since i had a water damage on my computer :waffle:

I'm sorry

@lucapapini - for your info, note there is an Italian language Rhino forum here:

my bad, kinda new here. I just replied to the email thinking it was a private message. :rofl:.
@ work right now but I will update the post with the settings :slight_smile:

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Fwiw, while google translate has improved tremendously, in my experience the best online translator is Deepl (the quality of translation between english, german and italian has been indistinguishable of magic for me).

Sorry for the off-topic.

I agree on Deepl - I use it for all of my doc translating from English to French and German.

i dont trust google translate even with german english (question is which one would be best developed anyway). i get grey hair when i read what it produces, sometimes even out of context. it helps to get an idea about the approximate context when you have to look up very different languages. still it is not very suitable to act as a universal translater just yet. or did it change just very recently? i noticed it getting better but nope… not using it to sign a paper.

thanks Jacopo, i am still left unclear to what exactly you have changed. only custom display modes? meaning all others work? and in case you managed to figure it out, what was it in the custom display modes that gave your mac a hick up?

Try deepl. You may be in for a surprise.
Not that it is flawless, but it produces meaningful sentences with incredible consistency and has really handy tools to flip through various expressions to fit your personal needs.

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I just remembered I posted it in this thread a while back

anyway… it crashed whenever I tried to activate a visual style that involves showing “custom materials” or if I tried to open the material section of the “properties” panel.

Wireframe mode worked just fine but when I switched to “shaded” it crashed when trying to display a 3d object. The other display modes as well…

To make it work I changed the “custom material” setting that was on by default in the “display modes” to “object’s color” settings for every view that was crashing. Plus I just steer away from the “material” properties panel like it’s Mordor.

Rhino works for me but I only do 3d modeling (and I am a student so i have EDU license for FREE :slight_smile: it’s important to understand my point of view haha)… Renders / Texturing etc are done in keyshot. I don’t know your exact workflow so I wouldn’t encourage running on unsupported HW but I can confirm that it’s possible to make it run with the 3d modeling functionalities intact. just forget rendering with rhino for a while, or at least until it’s fixed.

One thing I can tell you is that I can do mostly everything I was doing on my old Mac plus faster plus battery lasts all day if you do light stuff.
i am also running arm Windows on Parallels but forget bootcamp until microsoft grants permission for it.
it’s also just stupid to buy a intel Mac right now… Apple might support it with updates but I don’t see developers supporting it in 5 years, I don’t think it’s worth the money anymore.


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This looks like a small light… at the moment far away but it is going to come to us :slight_smile:

I’m an archtecture student in Milan and i m currently using a 2015 macbookpro retina with rhino 7. Last year I realised i needed a more potent machine to be able to deal with bigger projects and renders and so decided to buy 16’ macbook pro intel cpu amd gpu all maxd up, I was about to do it when m1 macs came out and I got seduced by this ‘new generation’ concept and decided to take this risk hoping rhino for mac would adapt to it. I was fairly ignorant about it at the time, and after some research I found out that this would be possible only with rhino 8, and that would take years. I saw that apart from the compatibility issues m1 13’ performance was equivalent to the intel 16’, since rhino still wasn t working flawlessly on m1 and I could still manage to get the work done with my 2015 retina, I decided to wait for the 16’ m1x. I ve been following the news and apparently these macs would have a 12 core cpu with integrated graphics (correct me if i m wrong, but the possibility of dedicated gpu on 16’ is highly unlikely, right?). So, I m not an expert at all but from what I read around here for Rhino to work on m1 it requires for it to be rewritten completely. So, Rhino 8 is far from completion. Egpu s wont work with m1. Bootcamp does not exist anymore. My biggest hope is that Microsoft will always work to make windows on ARM better for it s own hardware, Parallels currently has a tech preview working for M1 but should ‘soon’ release a stable version, and so I d be able to run Rhino, Grasshopper, Vray etc on this apparently superpotent m1x through ARM emulation. Does this make sense? Is this the most realistic possibility? Because it seems to me that apple s macbooks will only get better and better, always using their silicon chip, eventually would rhino 8 run directly on silicon chips or have anyways to be translated through rosetta?

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The issues with M1 are not with respect to ARM support. The OpenGL drivers on M1 are problematic and Apple needs to improve these. There is a new version of Big Sur coming out soon that addresses some of these OpenGL issues on M1, but there are still more issues that we are finding and reporting to Apple.


Hi, I am also using an M1 Mac and just wanted to let you know that Rhino 7 runs on mine quite well. I didn’t run into any problems yet, only the rendered viewport is weird but i dont necessarily need that on this notebook.

In my opinion it is definitely worth working on full support and to make a native version, the M1 mac is a fantastic notebook.


I think the difficulty of writing a native one is close to create a new Rhino. Don’t know when McNeel will finally achieve it.

Apple M1 is definitely powerful for 3D.

I dowloaded Blender in a shop on first M1 MacbookAir, and it is amazing. It is faster than a Pro intel. The RAM associated to the chipset is not comparable to other computer architecture.

Fascinating! Please tell us more:

Did you open a scene used in production work? Or you just played with the monkey Suzanne?

How many objects in scene?

How many polygons in scene?

What about materials?

Total textures loaded? Size and number?

And viewport performance? How many FPS?

Did you fire up Eevee? How many second to render 1000 Samples at 4K?




Yes I play maybe 20 minutes with a dowloaded Alpha version of Blender (under development) that do not crash at any time.

I worked only with EEVEE and everything was very fluid. I use array to copy a scene x1000, then x4000 and more than 10 000 times with a blue glossy suzan on a gold cube, a light, some volumes. Fluid !

Days after I copy and paste manually thousands of time a simple scene with lights (thousand of lights) !

The MacBook Air M1 was the cheapest version with 7 GPU cores instead of 8…

Fast, fast, fast…

I don’t know if Blender work perfectly on M1 (I see some good feedbacks). If it is the case, maybe McNeel must have a partnership with Blender for the transition (maybe it is the case for Cycle ?).

I made snapshot with my iPhone :

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