Another open polysurface, 14 naked edges

Doing some more 3D printing. Most of my model is good, but there are some problems with the receiver portion of the model. I’ve brought it from 22 to 14 naked edges by running testRemoveAllNakedMicroloops. If anyone can take a look at the model and give me some pointers I would really appreciate it.


Ropen_polysurface.3dm (4.8 MB)

If you use the command ZoomNaked, you can look and see which edges are still exposed. You should be able to close the openings with either SrfPt, EdgeSrf, NetworkSrf, or Patch.

The naked edges are due to some small pieces of surfaces sticking out past joined edges. Use the command ShowEdges with Naked Edge display to see these spots. You’ll need to manually ExtractSrf and Trim the areas using the existing edge in the case shown below.

I also noticed after running the What command that the edge tolerance for the part is 0.000 to 0.003 while the unit tolerance of the file is .001. This can happen if the tolerances for the file are changed while modeling but more often when the model is imported from another surface or solid modeler using a different tolerance. Is that the case with this model?

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yes, I believe this was imported from solidworks or maybe inventer fusion. The tolerance issue sounds important, how should fix it?

thank you,


Check out for lots of info on tolerances. The video was made using Rhino 5 for Windows but the content is of equal importance using Rhino 5 for Mac. Sometimes you can use the command RebuildEdges after exploding the model and then Join it again. You may also want to do this after importing the model into a Rhino file that uses the same unit tolerance as the file/modeler that made it if you see naked edges. In Rhino for Mac the units are controlled in File>Settings>Units. Sometimes this is enough to fix things but not always. Rhino does however let you extract and delete problem spots to manually remodel or fix issues. It’s not always easy but it is possible. If you are only interested in a closed mesh… you might also find it easier to make a mesh from the model and then use the mesh repair tools located in the Mesh drop down menu. I’d still get rid of those pesky overhanging surfaces first though.

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Thank you. I would like to have a closed polysurface, not just a closed mesh, so I’ll be repairing it.

Thank you again for the info.
