Hi there, I am another person dealing with the line weight saga. I have read through a number of threads and they don’t seem to help my issue.
Basically I have the same issue as many others. Drawing architectural drawings (large scale buildings etc. in 2D) I am printing to 24"x36" scaled at various scales depending on what I am doing. In rhino 3D hair line looks great. When I print to PDF the lines are way thicker. (See pictures.) As other have stated if I export to AI then export to PDF the lines are very thin as I want them. Trying to skip the step of double export to get what I want.
The top photo in my first post is PDF out of Rhino. Bottom photo is PDF out of Adobe AI. The 2nd is how I would like things to look. (except for the dimension line… it exports thick in both programs.
Changing the LineWidth Scale to the model scale factor (.125) will get the lineweights thin, the hatches are still thick unless exploded unfortunately, still poking at that aspect.
That did work like you said. Thank you, you are a god send. However you are correct the hatches are still thick. Also my dimensions are all still thick.
Thanks, That helps narrow it down. At the moment exploding the hatches temporarily can give you control. I see several recent youtracks related to this, quick fixes but not going to be available this week.
ok, is there any way to group explode through the layer? Other wise I have to select everything and explode… I guess I can turn off all the layers and do it that way. Either way thank you and I’ll keep an eye on this thread for a more formal solution.