I have a question regarding the weight (width) of lines when exporting a layout to a PDF. I have compared the rhino line weight set on some layers, and the output line weight in the PDF files.
I have discovered that Rhino does not export the line weights as it is set in the file, but rather uses increments of 0.085 mm, which means all the lines exported will be multiples from 0.085 mm (0.085, 0.17, 0.25, 0.33, etc), which is weird because one of the default line weights of Rhino is 0.13mm which is not possible to export.
Does anyone have a clue on how to export “correct” line weights from rhino?
I want to specify that this is not a major problem, I can adapt my templates, it is just if it is possible to export them corresponding to other line weights, then I would be happy to. I would be curious also to see if it is the same result on PC.
I join here the test sheet I have used, and the corresponding .3dm (rhino 7) and exported pdf.
Might this be a limitation of the PDF format, which IIRC is based on old-fashioned printer points and picas rather than classic measurements in inches or mm?
RH-64365 is possibly more general about some fuzziness that gets introduced in the print weights. As far as I can tell, that’s still an issue in current releases.
Yes I see but for my use of Rhino going from 0.13 to 0.1299999 fits well below my tolerance threshold, the issue I had in Rhino 7 was that I did not find a way to get the line width to fit to what it was supposed to display (for example 0.05 → 0.08 ; 0.1 → 0.08 ; 0.13 → 0.17 ; 0.18 → 0.17).
So this is why I said this was fixed for me in Rhino 8 mac, as it exports the lines to what I am expecting them to be, and people experiencing the same as me in 7 will know that this can be fixed by the new version.
I understand this might not be the case for people that need the weight to be exactly 0.13 for computing reasons, but this was not part of my problem when I posted this.