I have been using the “Add wall (profile) component” and seeing some inaccuracies. The profile curv and the Brep match perfectly in Rhino but are not matching once in Revit. The Brep is pushed in Revit using the Family Method.
I am using version 1.0.7894.17525
Its something about that wall style is giving it an offset. If you use a Generic 5" wall you will see it works as expected.
The autodesk supplied wall you are using has a lot of modification 3 sweeps & 4 reveals. None of which exactly explain the distance we are seeing. I’ll keep digging.
The brick on CMU wall type you see may come from the Revit file you opened the Rhino/GH definition in ?
In any case, I am noticing that the profiles of the walls in Revit are not exactly the Rhino curves input.
Yeah, its also joining the subcomponents and such, so lots going on. There was a recent change to that the component that may help. You will need to be on the Release Candidate though (switch to “Release Candidates” channel from the Options dialog and test it now if you like)