About The “Revit Family” Making Methods…

Hello everyone,

I don’t know much about “Rhino.Inside.Revit”. I hope you can help my problem and find a solution.


In the link, I shared a sample water canal component in .3DM and .DWG formats as curve, surface, solid in a simplified form. Can we model this part, which is in helix form, as a Revit surface in Revit? Its position should never be changed and the position of the coordinate axis should remain the same, that is, the part should remain in place as it is. In Revit, I could only do it until the point of adding points to the line intersections by importing it as “Insert > Import CAD > Sample Part (Curve).dwg” using “Family Templates > English > Conceptual Mass > Metric Mass.rft” for reference. After that, I don’t know how we can define a reference surface or how we can continue to create a surface. How can we model a surface or solid part in Revit using these lines as a reference? Our first goal is to model as a surface in Revit, if we can do it as a solid model, then this is our goal.

What is the difference between a surface modeled in Revit and a surface modeled with Rhinoceros using “Rhino.Inside.Revit” and then synchronized and imported into Revit? “Rhino.Inside.Revit” is a plugin that works synchronously between Rhinoceros and Revit, I guess.


  • What if we model it in Rhinoceros and transfer it as “Insert > Import CAD” in Revit?

  • What if we model it with Rhino.Inside.Revit and transfer it to Revit by synchronizing it?

  • What happens if we use the lines as a reference in Revit and we can create a surface or solid in Revit?

I don’t know what the differences are between these methods, and I would appreciate it if you could inform me about it. How should we create it, I need to find a solution.

I guess the world BIM community does not want to import CAD data because there are poor quality family models, but we will not share it outside anyway, so we started this way only to benefit from Revit within our own body. Our goal is to create a family of thousands of pieces for the use of Revit in our library, which consists of thousands of pieces. We want to start this business by using the right method. We want to make all of our models in Revit. The only problem is that we don’t know how to do it.

If we can do all the models in Revit, we want to do it that way. This should be our first choice. But if it doesn’t work, we have to do it by using “Rhino.Inside.Revit” or just by making the Rhinoceros 3DM file or DWG file as “Import CAD”.

How can “Rhino.Inside.Revit” or the following plugins help us at this stage? We want to model this helix-shaped structure as a Revit surface or solid, how can we achieve this? How can you help?

Thanks in advance for your interest. See you again as soon as possible.

If you wish, I can also share more detailed information via e-mail.

E-Mail: tufan.sezgin@futuraform.com.tr

Tufan Sezgin

Hello Tufan,

The link for the .dwg/.3dm is not working.

Thanks for posting a rough summary of your needs Tufan, there is potential to break out specific questions (such as helical model) that can be worked through individually.

All these plugins (Rhino.Inside.Revit, Adaptive Parts Enviroment, MKS Beam, Conveyor) are all going to be constrained by Revit Tolerances and Geometry handling, the difference is how each work on a user level, with Rhino.Inside.Revit being the more complex and customizable, the others being more user friendly but constrained by design.

Another key aspect is how you want your Revit Families to perform in Revit; Rendering, LOD in various views, Sections, Elevations and how they are placed.

Here is an example of modeling organic native Revit Elements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUkM7I1tiTs


Copy and paste into your browser;


Below is a sample for doing the geometry you shared as a native family in Revit as well as a direct shape Brep inside a family, you can dimension, get cut patterns (for Brep needs to be override by element as shown in sample) and extract volume from both, so if the geometry is neatly done as you have it I don’t see why not use RiR to create a DirectShape directly inside a family instead of doing the extra steps of doing it natively in Revit. (You can also test deleting each the native / directshape geometry and check how it affects the family size if that’s something you would want to take in consideration). Maybe materials would be a difference but can be manageable.

Also, keep in mind some geometry would take a lot more effort to create natively and some more might be impossible according to your geometry.

So, it all comes to your needs/requirements in the end you can test and play around to see what suits your workflow best.

Sample Part (Solid).rvt (2.9 MB)