Discuss all things Quad Remesh related here. Tools, workflows, feature requests, bug reports, etc.
A man’s high heel shoe sole I designed with t-splines, imported to WIP.
The quad remesh command worked very well on this object… as expected… well done!
Can you make QuadRemesh command accessible for developers, i.e. be able to call it through the API with my parameters or through the scripting _QuadRemesh
@kostadin I added everything for QuadRemeshing version 7s RhinoCommon api already. You can find everything you need on the Mesh class. There are several overloads available.
You can find an example gh script attached the topic located here. New QuadRemesh command!
C++ SDK is still on the todo list and will be available in the future.
Thank you for the responce. Awesome news. Looking for to see it when it is available in the SDK.
A thin! I should have put my post here:
Hello Travis, when do you think this function will be available in the C++SDK? Just good to know.
Hi @kostadin you can follow the requests progress here, and i’ll drop @stevebaer on this one for more info.
@trav do we have a scripted form of the QuadRemesh command?
_QuadRemesh is the English form where -QuadRemesh is the scripted form. I just want to make sure a scripted form is available before recommending that approach.
@stevebaer yes there’s currently a command line version available. Some of this post was double posted. He may have found the - from an answer in another post.
@kostadin does the scripted version of QuadRemesh solve your current needs from a C++ plug-in?
It is work around, but not exactly. The best is as described to be through SDK. The reason is that I may have my own mesh in the plugin. To use the script I have to create the mesh in rhino select it generate quad mesh, delete my created mesh, then identify the quad mesh in the scene, then access it. All this works in the UI. The interface proposed for the SDK is the best way.
Hi @Trav Amazing work on this tool, i’ve thrown just about everything at it and it’s still coming out with clean results!
Just wanted to know if there was a way to transfer the texture mapping from the existing mesh to the recalculated version?
I’ve been playing around with some photogrammetry but can’t seem to get it to carry across…
Hi @jcmv_design glad you’re having great results! As for the texture mapping, unfortunately this is a current limitation of the algorithm but something that’s on the road map for a future release.
Any progress on RH-5344 to add C++ SDK access to QuadRemesh? It seems strange that this function has been available to the RhinoCommon but not C++. Was this function written in managed code?
Hi @Gary,
Nothing has been done on this issue yet. The interface into the quad remesher is .NET. The actual quad remeshing code is C++.
– Dale
Greetings @Travis,
I checked the Python code of SampleQuadRemesh.py and it works fine with a Mesh.
But what if I need to quadmeshify a PolySurface and … creating intermediate Mesh is just a needless step.
Changing filter to go.GeometryFilter = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.PolysrfFilter throws an error
Can you please provide a working Python code with all available “qr_params” for quadmesh of a PolySurface.
To me it its a bit tricky to understand…
there is QuadRemeshBrep method in Mesh Class
and there is not in Brep Class
So, correct me if I’m wrong, when using QuadRemesh in Rhino directly and selecting PolySrf, it creates at first some unvisible intermediate “classical” Mesh and only then remeshes it to quads? If so, what are the meshing settings for this intermediate?
The thing to help make it less confusing is to understand that it “Re” meshes. It doesn’t mesh. So it always requires an input mesh from which it re-creates. When using the QuadRemeshBrep, the Breps render mesh is used. More specifically the high quality render mesh.