A frustration with Rhino SubD modeling

Attached you’ll find an image where surfaces come together into one point on SubD…no matter what I do, give it 0 weight, nothing gets rid of this “Dimple” in SubD on Rhino. My guess is there is something I’m not doing, but, has anyone else seen this.

I set the resolution to the maximum and it doesn’t make a difference. Of course these can be removed post compositing in PS…but geesh, should I have to. Please let me know what I’m doing wrong, or work arounds.


Jim G.

Try to bevel the edge.

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Great Idea Martin…I’ll definitely try that…THANKS!

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the solution martin shows is a general rule or at least recommendation :
if there is an edge, something that feels like a fillet:
it should be represented with an face-loop in the subd’s typology.

And starpoints behave more predictable / more controllable when they are in a convex only or concave only area.
your initial starpoint is convex in one, concave in the other direction.

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Tom, not sure what you mean…not clear to me. I tried Martin’s approach and it yielded good results. That being said, is there anyway you could send a image or two describing your solution…it sounds extremely interesting. Here is how it looks after beveling as Martin suggested…any light you can shed on this is deeply appreciated…


if you want full control … all edges should not have starpoints…
but i made it a bit to complicated, as i introduced an additional step in the lower surface…

… more a typology-concept

subdPocket.3dm (2.8 MB)

It would be good to also post a shaded view with edges visible…