3DM View 1.3 Update Released

3DM View is an Android application for 3D model rendering that supports openNURBS files including files generated by Rhinoceros. This new 3DM View 1.3 release contains such useful features as management of paths to folders with 3DM files, and support of older Android versions starting from 2.3.

Also bugs with opening from URL were fixed, range of file managers for local opening was widened and the disappearing of warnings after device rotation was fixed.

3DM View 1.3 available at Google Play…

Posted Jul 30, 2013 by Keith on Rhino News, etc.

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I m producing jewellery and i m ordering my models to differeent model.maker and each of them is using different program to make jewellery …some is sending me the finished model in stl file and i have downloaded stl viewer and i van open the file and can see the way the ring looks which is ok but i prefer a program that i can download to my android phone which i can also measure the detail of the drowed model …and another question is some model.maker sending me file in 3dm and that file i can not open …can you suggest me any programs or programs that i can use on my phone and on my android phone …

Shortly what i like to have is .i need to have a app for my android to open all this files which send me by model maker s and also app for my pc to open and determining the size the thicknes ect
Thak you in advance

Here are a couple viewers you can try out.



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CAD Exchanger. Great app for view Rhino files on Android device.