3Dconnexion SpaceMouse issues

I use the following “hack” to make Rhino 7 work with my discontinued SpacePilot. Basically I just replace the plug-in in the corresponding folder with an older one for Rhino 6. The only downside of this is that I have to repeat the process after each new update of Rhino 7.

  1. On Windows 10 I already had 3DxWare version 10.3.0 installed.
  2. I opened the following folder: “C:\Program Files\Rhino 7\Plug-ins”.
  3. Then I made a back-up copy of the “3dxrhino.rhp” plug-in and placed it in another folder just in case.
  4. Then I used the following plug-in from Rhino 6.3 and replaced the original Rhino 7 plug-in:
    3dxrhino.rar (130.6 KB)
  5. Then I started Rhino 7 and the 3d connexion plug-in recognized the program as Rhinoceros 5 (SpacePilot has an LCD screen that shows that information).
  6. The SpacePilot required some settings to be made inside Rhino 7, such as “Lock Horizon” etc, just the usual customization that everyone does.