There are some discussions on this subject with Grasshopper tool. They are not physical but looks good. On this subject I am not sure an human can tell if some pattern exist really of are faked.
Many discussions on ripple drop …
Hi, greetings
I’m trying to make a surface with several ripple effects, i made a script and result isn’t so bad. I think there’s two things that need to change.
first: adding decay to waves
second: controlling wave height in each points
I will appreciate if you help me in this project.
thank you for helping.
[Ripple table]
Ripple dining (36.6 KB)
this one seems quite simple to code. Because at the end it is interesting to be able to make it for “real”.
Yes that was simple,
Wavelength is Pi/2 units, if you need 50 waves you need to make a 50 * pi / 2 grid.
Iterations is the number of frequency, the less the smoother.
Speed is hardcoded, so play on time to move the wave. The period is PI because the speed is 2.
Lower the iterations and grid size to tune the sea you want.
ocean wave water (13.7 KB)