2d Drawing, Kuka PRC

Is there a way i can make a 2d Kuka Drawing out of these Mesh Colours?

multipen template.gh (871.6 KB)
Multipen Template.zip (10.5 MB)(RhinoFolder)

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Also if i could get the Kuka arm to draw this Photo would also be just fine instead of the little circles.
multipen template_Re_Re.gh (1.9 MB)

I didn’t really understand what you are after

Do you want carving (no color) or with some pen and colors ?

If you want to draw this with pen like printing so CMYK, it could be possible to
Make 4 images/mesh with just C or M o Y or K
Remesh the mesh using color or fill with circles and make a mesh
Use each layer to make a single path or dots ?
Then draw the 4 with the arm if you have the four colors.
I made some test that renders that. The render is not good as screen is RGB (additive) and if you draw on paper it will be subtractive. I hope you understand !
Here curves (4 closed curves)

Points -

Path C

Path Y

Here the path for K

And try to separate Kuka problem and path generation one. Me I just can help on paths. I have no Kuka experience and no plugin so your script is quite useless.

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Hello there mister! Thanky you for the reply it looks great ! :slight_smile:

I have these 4 pens on my robot arm, each for CMYK colors so i need 4 curves with each 4 colors.

Excactly what you have achived on the picture no.1

Could you maybe share the Grasshopper script ?

Many thanks! :slight_smile:

Ok it is clear now. I have some things to test and I will publish the script.

:heart_eyes: very much appriciatet!

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Here the script
it first use an image path (a file) that is transformed to a mesh, mesh is deconstructed and RGB colors are transfromed to CMYK, same tool as @HS_Kim did but as part of a component in Nautilus plugin 0.9.8. It is the same as your Python. And if used before CMYK Color from Grasshopper it will gives the same color.

4 meshes are reconstructed with the amount of C M Y and K put on RGB values. I use a reverse value of CMYK because after for the remeshing black part will be more dense than clear ones.
Here the Yellow part

Then in order to remesh according to the brightness I use 2 of Nautilus tools and a Delaunay. I use than instead of remesh by color because it is more simple and more faster here.
Stil Yellow

Then I reuse TSP tool on a dual mesh (nicer I think)
See that link

Curve is smoothed with one iteration, could be more if you want

After this part it is just rendering.

Upload Nautilus 0.9.8 via Package Manager.
image to CMYK Hamiltonian Cycle Laurent Delrieu.gh (23.5 KB)


I had to replace the “RGB to CMYK” component with that of that python script because it didnt show up even after installing the Nautilus Plugin. It looks a bit differnet now. Isthis right?

Do you still have the version where the outcome looked liek this photo?
It had little bit less curves which is very good for printing later.

You’ll have to use the later version of Nautilus 0.9.8, now online via package manager.
I reverse everything for the CMK outputs. and your script outputs values from 0 to 100, it must be 0 to 1 for the Colour RGB(f)
More realistic rendering here

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I got it to work. Thanks alot so far! :slight_smile:
I have another 2 Questions:
Can i scale the size of the Lines(Image) Say taht it fits in to a A3 Paper Format?
Can i reduce the number of Lines so the Image is a little bit less full?

You can do everything but scaling or changing the width is not the same thing.
I choose to use your image that is 625 pixels per 500 pixels and in Rhino 625 unit x 500 unit.
Scaling to fit to a A3 paper depends on the unit you use in Rhino, it is up to you to find the good coefficient.
Reducing the number of line is possible
You have here the normalized radius for the black, the one for the white is here multiplied by 5.
You can augment normalized black radius (less dense everywhere), or just the multiplication factor (less dense on the white, it divides by 2 the length if you choose 10 instead of 5)

And if you manage to draw something please post a picture.

I scaled and moved the photo to fit in the paper and also be in the right position for the printer arm but the scaled photo does not get applied to the curves. They still remain the same.
Its very hard for me to make changes since the computer freezes and takes alot of time to come back to live :frowning:

I increased it to 20 and made the file smaller which is better for me in this case! 1 less problem. :slight_smile:
I still wanted to scale it and i did not quite understand how you meant.

You just have to scale the output. No need to touch the inputs. Like that there far less calculations.
Scale the red (output) if you don’t want smoothing
Scale the green (output) if you want smoothing

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Got it ! Great! Thanks alot! :slight_smile: