Kuka Robot arm HotWire using 2 curves to control tool path


I’m looking for this application specifically.
KUKA robot arm hot wire simulation using two curves to control tool path inside grasshopper rhino

It appears this script used to be hosted on grasshopper-3d.com although the site is down now.

Can anyone provide some guidance on what I would need to accomplish this? Software licensing, any modules required and training.

We have a Kuka KR210 Ultra 3100 with WireCutter end effector.

We’ll be using the kuka / hotwire to cut 4’x4’x12’ billets of foam as landform fill. All resulting shapes need to line up perfectly so it critical that the wire follows the edge curves precisely.


Here are few Kuka related plugins on Food4Rhino,check out their links for more information. Hopefully someone with experiences in these can chime-in as well.


It look like they just devided the curves ,connect the points with lines, get the middle points of all lines create the path curve from these points.I guess the normal is from two middle points and one side point and als the rotation around the normal.