2 Light Rendering Questions

Rhino novice here, have 2 light rendering questions. Rhino support staff hints that Rhino rendering may not be able to perform. I’m open with using other rendering pack.

  1. I have a point light source and a surface that light and shadows are cast upon. Is there a way to apply the light and shadows to the backside of the surface that are rendered on the front side as well? I want to avoid transparency of the surface so I don’t see the torus through the surface and also avoid creating any other light sources on the backside.

  2. Is there a method that can be use to turn a point light source into a visible solid color where the 3d sphere of visible light would be a solid color and shadows created by objects (surface in example below) would show up as say black

  1. No - not using RhinoRender.
  2. Create a sphere at the same location as the point light and set “Casts Shadows” (in Object Properties) to “No”

If memory serves me 1) is called subsurface scattering in many renderers. Maxwell, for an example, does it.


Not for thin surfaces - this kind of thing is called “translucency” or “thin film diffuse” - or something like that. It’s actually trivial to implement in a renderer (unlike SSS).

  • Andy

@nathanletwory you might be of help here?


Not sure if I can be much help in this particular case. Rhino Render doesn’t support that translucency. That said, I am working on the Raytraced viewport mode in Rhino WIP (see the Serengeti forum), and that does support translucency.


Hey Andy regarding 2) is there something else I need to do to stop the sphere from blocking light? I tried method and result shown below on left.

I have turned off “cast shadows” and it seems because the point light source is in the sphere it still wants to block light even though it does not cast shadows.