_PictureFrame shows wrong picture

Current WIP:

I loaded a PNG picture by D&D onto Rhino WIP, then selected picture.
It looks like this:

Then I deleted the surface.
Outside of Rhino, I created a new picture and saved it with the same name as before, just overwritten.
Then again I loaded this new PNG picture by D&D onto Rhino WIP, then selected picture.
Rhino doesn’t load the new picture, it uses the old one!
While the old one does not exist anymore as a file.

This is what I have:

Next step: I D&D the file bla.png on Rhino:

And, surprise, I get this:

I saved the Rhino file.
This is the file icon:

Then I quit Rhino, restarted it, loaded the Rhino file.
New surprise, the correct picture shows up:

And yes, I’m 100% sure I didn’t mix the files.


Hi Charles - thanks, I can repeat this.


RH-39572 is fixed in the latest WIP