Two Finger Swipe inconsistent?

I’ve been modeling with Mac Rhino build 5A599 for the last couple hours.

Sometimes two-finger swipe rotates the viewport.
Sometimes two-finger swipe zooms the viewport.

I like it when it rotates the view - though it seems to rotate slower than when I two-finger click and drag.

Is it normal for the behavior to change seemingly at random?

I’m certain my trackpad settings are not the default - for one, I have “scroll direction natural” unchecked and most of the multitouch gestures enabled.

hey Brian… the last couple of months have been rough with macRhino and the trackpad…

for instance:

it’s supposed to always rotate with 2finger, pan with 2finger+shift, and zoom with 2finger pinching… (assuming you have Preferences->Trackpad->Use 2Fingers to Pan and rotate selected)

it was working fine for a couple of years then something when bad… i think marilin is having a hard time tracking down the exact problem since there are about 5 different types of reports of odd behaviors with the trackpad… everyone isn’t experiencing the same symptoms.

Thanks Jeff,

I’ve been trying to pay attention to what I do immediately before Rhino gets confused. It seems that turning layers on/off or changing the current layer seems to be involved.

Brian Gillespie

i’m pretty sure that one was squashed in the latest wip… (released a few days ago… dec17 i think)… you should update and try again.

So far, so good! I’ll report back if I see it again.