Stange filletedge behavior

Hi Everyone,

I am experiencing a strange filletedge behavior, when i fillet the edge a far surface gets effected, Is it a mac bug or am i missing something.

I have also attached the 3dm file.

Koray Birand

canopy2.3dm (2.5 MB)

That’s the render mesh. Go to File>Settings>Mesh and change it to use smoother and slower. How’s that?

I would run DivideAlongCreases > SplitAtTangents=Yes… does that do anything good?


yeah it did … also Brians setting helped as well… Thanks to both of you…
Pascal what exactly does DivideAlongCreases do to help my situation, i want to know the logic behind.


Hi Koray - when you make surfaces from joined sets of curves that are tangent but not curvature continuous, in some cases a single surface is the result- meshing surfaces that are not curvature continuous can get messy and in fact as a rule, I prefer tangent surfaces to be separate surfaces (joined is OK, that is different) . So, if you run the command I mentioned on your object, you’ll see several locations where a single surface is split into a polysurface at the tangent locations.

DivideAlongCreases.3dm (124.0 KB)


Pascal thank your for the quick workshop … You are great !!! Got it now …