Based on updated information we just got from Nvidia, I have updated the KB page with driver recommendations and settings:
Bad news - Rhino crashed within the first minute after update - OpenGl error!
But as next I set the Nvidia power mode to maximum instead Nvidia controlled and now it is quite stable. If I understand right this option should disable the horrible Nvidia powermizer feature.
Also enabling the max power helps to get higher frame rates - 100 spheres test scene jumped from 2.6s to 2.1s (Quadro 6000).
The info about this option should be added to the wiki.
Can you please take screenshots of the dialogs and settings so I can add them to the Wiki? No one in Seattle is riunning a Quadro.
Micha -
When you were crashing after the driver update. Did a crash report come up and ask for your email and a comment? We can see what the problem is there.
There is a lot of information on Powermizer on the web, but how to disable it seems to be a challenge. What is the easiest way to do this?
@John: attached a screenshot, but I found no switch for an english UI, so maybe you need screenshots from an other user. Sidenote: also interesting for 3D render artists, the default video settings are limiting the grey level range that cause a greyish video look, the attached setup help to avoid it.
@Scott: I got the standard error message with a link to a Nvidia web side. No Rhino crash report window. I used the powermizer switch tool from the web in the past. Maybe the fresh driver install reset it and the Nvidia power management is good enough to disable the powermizer. It was one of the advices that I found at the web to fix the powermizer problem.
At the moment I don’t get crashes anymore after changing the power management mode only. So, this could be the easiest way. If this not work, I could upload the powermizer switch I used in the past. The original page seems to be down. I got the link info from this video also discussed here
Based on your information, I was able to update our Nvidia page here:
I hope that makes the process clear.
The page includes this title:
"Additional steps problems continue:"
What is that phrase supposed to mean?
How about,
“Additional steps if problems continue:” ? Or just “Additional steps”?
That’s still not clear to me.Should the user perform those setps or not? If so, then number them and make it clear to do all three.If not, how would they know?
Thanks for keeping us up to date John, I’ve just downloaded the Quadro 340.66 driver and tried it out on the 100 sphere test (discussed elsewhere in the GTX thread) and the improvement is significant.
Excellent @BrianM
Did you make the other two changes in the Nvidia Control panel to disable the powermizer thing and to set it to Workstation app - Dynamic streaming?
No, but I have now and there is a further improvement… a whole new experience.
@scottd: There’s your answer. Number them so it’s clear the best option is to do all three; drivers, Dynamic Streaming, and Prefer maximum performance.
Hi John,
I wonder if you could add a check in Rhino to see if the user is using a Quadro, and if so either check if these settings are on, or pop up a dialog window that points to the right settings. (With a disable option of course)
This would be a question for @jeff. My guess is like some other settings, they may not be available in their SDK. About all we can do is try to keep a wiki page updated. Sadly not everyone will benefit.
Or add a short info and a link to the wiki at the Rhino options.
Hey guys, I just realized that I use the “3D App - Default Global Settings” and have for some while. I obviously found out that it was faster, and I had forgotten all about it.
Can you check it out and see if your Quadros perform better with that?
My system has been rock solid with this settings. And I use the 332.76 drivers.
WOW!!! Great!!!
I jumped to the 3D App and additional I set max perfomance - now I get 0.59s instead 2.6s (100 sphere test). That’s a turbo. Thank you very much for this hint.
Great to hear and enjoy!
But wasn’t “Power management mode - Prefer maximum performance” the default? Or did you set it somewhere else?
Hi Holo, the default with a clean install is “NVIDIA driver-controlled”