Not sure if its Windows 11, my graphics or Rhino… but when I zoom in alot, the lines break apart visually. To be fair, I’m zoomed in to the point of my left to right measurement is 0.00, but I dont ever remember seeing this issue before.
Also, I’m getting lag sometimes dragging stuff around.
I have a strong desktop, plenty of ram, NVidia graphics, 8 core, etc. I’m not doing complicates drawings either.
Hello- the distance between the visible ‘end’ of the curves is about
I think you’re OK,… the display will eventually break at some point if you zoom in far enough. If you hit F6 and then look at the camera in another view you will see it is a line…
Yeah, I just see it sometimes when I connect lines. I just never noticed it before so wasn’t sure if it was a Win11 or GPU thing
Any ideas on the lag I see sometimes? Are there articles anywhere? Never had lag before I upgraded to Win11. Its not constant, seems to build up, goes away, comes back. Maybe some type of memory garbage collection?
Hi Eric - my question about the zoom is, why are you zooming in that much to begin with? There might be a better way to get at whatever it is you are looking for.
I do not know about the lag - I have W11 here and do not see this, however I also do not know much, or anything, about this configuration:
Standard graphics configuration.
Primary display: Trigger 6 External Graphics (Magic Control Technology Corp.) Memory: 0MB, Driver date: 1-20-2022 (M-D-Y).
> External USB display device with 2 adapter port(s)
- Secondary monitor attached to adapter port #0
- Windows Main Display attached to adapter port #1
Primary OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (NVidia) Memory: 6GB, Driver date: 9-13-2021 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 472.08
> Accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
- Secondary monitor attached to adapter port #0
But I’d see if bypassing the USB part and working for a while makes anything better.
On a 3D object where Z may be different heights, maybe X or Y are short or long to the connecting line, I usually zoom in a bit hit F10 and drag the line to connect. This is usually when I can’t close a polyline or something wierd happens when i do a surface (open polyline stuff)
I think I’ve tried ClosestPt before, but dont think that is the best way.
Attached is a “raw” template using my Proliner before any adjustments. I’ve highlighted in blue/red an example where I’d need to intersect the two lines and then trim. I usually just break the (blue) line and drag the end point to the red as close as possible.
I do this about 20 times per project and that’s where the zooming in comes into play (=
Right, I do that as well, but its still dragging. Maybe I’m not understanding your tip, but perp is basically a T alignment which wont work if the “blue” curves are approaching and/or leaving the red line at different angles (wont be accurate to closest intersection?).
What I would love to see is a function that snaps two curves (or point to curve) together at their closest nearest intersection. Maybe that’s using ClosestPt somehow?
I feel silly working through this problem statement. its so basic but I do it so often on each project.
Hmm… I think this is breaking my brain a bit. I’m thinking more 2D with my “T” example and not 3D. I tested this by copy/pasting my example area, dragging it WAAAAY to the right, grabbing the points and “perp” is pretty much where I’d expect to cut and drag my line.
But that is good, right? Maybe I am not understanding the problem… if you think I am not, make a before and after version so I can see what you are shooting for.