Hi, I’ve got a huge issue with the latest zoo6.
I’ve just updated from zoo6WIP to use my rhino6 license, and I tried to register the license. However, the zoo admin tool crashed, and now the zoo service won’t start:
When trying to start it from zoo admin, it doesn’t respond and I have to shut it down
When trying to start it from windows 10 service panel I’ve got a message:
“The service zoo 6 on local computer has started then stopped. Some services automatically stop if they are not used by other programs”
Le service ne peut pas être démarré. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clé donnée était absente du dictionnaire. à System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) à ZooService.ZooLicenseTable.CleanupMismatchedClusters() dans D:\BuildAgent\work\commercial\src4\Zoo\ZooService\ZooLicenseTable.cs:ligne 155 à ZooService.ZooLicenseTable.LoadAllLicenses() dans D:\BuildAgent\work\commercial\src4\Zoo\ZooService\ZooLicenseTable.cs:ligne 197 à ZooService.ZooService.OnStart(String args) dans D:\BuildAgent\work\commercial\src4\Zoo\ZooService\ZooService.cs:ligne 306 à System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.ServiceQueuedMainCallback(Object state)
I tried to reinstall but it doesn’t help. I had several zoo plugins of mine developed with zoo6WIP, i tried to remove the dll’s but no change.
Based on looking at the source code, it looks like this error is happening because not all the licenses in the table have a serial number set. Please delete all the licenses from your Zoo, and be sure your plug-in sets both the license key and serial number.
You can delete the license files here:
Hi Brian,
After restarting my computer this morning, the issue came back: service does not start and zoo admin tool crashes.
Same solution, I remove the license files, then restart the admin tool and it works. What is a bit weird is that an old v5 license is restored, while my v5/v6 license is not, and two custom plugins licenses are restored properly.
Any ideas?