Write text into Scribble

Hi, i wish to take the output panel as scribble text. Instead of me typing the label every time, is there a node for automation of taking text output to scribble in GH?


I can’t tell if you’re showing a cluster or script component (i.e. Python, C#), but if it is the latter, you can output a component message as alternative to updating the Scribble.
In GHPython, ghenv.Component.Message = “MC10 DESIGN ROAD” would for example show MC10 DESIGN ROAD in a black box beneath the component, like so:


Whether you can update a Scribble with some component or from code, I unfortunately don’t know.

what abt windows ?

What do you mean by “abt”?

What about modiying the look of a panel to be kind of a scribble mock. Just set the background color to transparent and change the default font type and size… (I did this in my projects as well, since writing to panels is much better)

On a scripting level, you could potentially implement such feature, although it might be a bit of work. You’ll need to evaluate all panels and create scribble components out of it. Or you scan the Gh document for all scribble components and identify via name and type equally to named panels and access their content

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I like your idea, hah

Hey !
If you’re ok with plug ins, there is MetaHopper that allows you to control many stuff happening on the Grasshopper canva. And you can also link Scibbles to a Panel, with controls over size and fonts.


Hey All, i pull a panel from my cluster and created this, seems good enough for me.
