Wood anisotropic reflection

Hmm, your material is quite complex and I’m not so happy about some parameters. :wink:

I think, you could work with a single material and use layers there. I would use simple layers, no BRDF. So we could better kept the overview.

  • On the top a fresnel reflection layer for the clear coat.
  • Below the metallic reflection layer, visibility controlled by the opacity color (fresnel texture disabled). I set a low gossiness and an anisotropy. After some more testing now I found that we get a nice effect per rotation map (a soft b&w version of the wood). Now, it doesn’t look like homogeneous brushed metal anymore. :slight_smile:
  • At the low end the basic diffuse texture.

I think, the key for a good looking aniso wood effect is to find the right map for the rotation control.

Yesterday I observed a fish bone pattern wood parquets and there was a clearly visible nice aniso effect. So, for high end quality wood parquets viz this kind of setup could be great. Here a nice photo example. The aniso effect cause the dark and bright row look.

Grüsse aus Radebeul,

Here the complete Rhino 6 scene with maps, download valid until 13 dec 2018. I create a fresh material setup at VfR3.6.

right material with some metalic brush effect and mapped rotation control

This is the map for the rotation

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