does anybody have an idea how to recreate this effect in Vray? it`s not quite just the spec. reflection – more like a deeper layer with an almost metallic shine.
If materials have a deeper shine than I call it pearl effect for me. I use it often, also for plastic materials to get a more lively look.
Here I tried it with wood, maybe it goes in the direction your are looking. Right sphere is with pearl effect. Per reflection color of the metallic layer you can control the pearl effect intensity. I use a b&w map at the rotation slot to avoid a homogeneous brush effect.
Hmm, your material is quite complex and I’m not so happy about some parameters.
I think, you could work with a single material and use layers there. I would use simple layers, no BRDF. So we could better kept the overview.
On the top a fresnel reflection layer for the clear coat.
Below the metallic reflection layer, visibility controlled by the opacity color (fresnel texture disabled). I set a low gossiness and an anisotropy. After some more testing now I found that we get a nice effect per rotation map (a soft b&w version of the wood). Now, it doesn’t look like homogeneous brushed metal anymore.
At the low end the basic diffuse texture.
I think, the key for a good looking aniso wood effect is to find the right map for the rotation control.
Yesterday I observed a fish bone pattern wood parquets and there was a clearly visible nice aniso effect. So, for high end quality wood parquets viz this kind of setup could be great. Here a nice photo example. The aniso effect cause the dark and bright row look.
Thank you, guys, this is super interesting to follow, I might come up with a material question some day too.
What are anisotropic reflections anyway? I get that base wood reflects light differently than glossy varnish on its surface, but that’s where I lose my ground.
And visual it means, reflections are stretched in one direction, for example like at this old test here. At wood the direction of the fibers isn’t so homogeneous.
Interesting for wood and moon stone is, that the upper surface can be polished or with a clear finish, so that using a “brush” bump wouldn’t the right way since it is an “inner” effect. For brush metal it works.
look at second 13. The right wood exhibits a reflection property not achievable with just diffuse+reflec./glossmap+bump. It reflects light on a deeper layer in a directional non-uniform way (anisotropic). How to replicate this effect was the orginal question – thanks micha again for an awesome answer.