the peculiar history of the view capture commands has produced a situation in which they generally work poorly and counterintuitively with the raytraced viewport, since they rarely** capture anything, and might more aptly be called ViewRenderToClipboard/File
iirc, we arrived at this point mainly because people wanted to be able to capture a viewport at a resolution larger than the actual viewport – a natural request when we were talking about an opengl-rendered viewport, say with auxpecker materials or such, where the user wanted to be able to use that as a final output, and could not make it happen via the Render command
however, once the raytraced viewport showed up, things got weird, because now “capturing” at an arbitrary resolution was no longer a near zero-cost proposition; the behavior was retained even though a capture could now take minutes to complete
and this was necessary, in order to allow macros/scripts to work with raytraced like with other display modes, and since Render did not yet support rendering with the raytrace engine
but the latter is no longer the case, and as the former means the view capture commands can never be made to do what their names say, I would ask they at least get a new option like ActuallyJustCaptureTheDangView=Yes, allowing us to make buttons for capturing the view, when we want to capture the view, instead of having to remember to use the OS screen capture instead
any number of arguments can be made to justify why this should be unnecessary – why would someone want a half-baked version of the render? – but just for example, if I’m writing an email/forum/twitter/discord/etc post and just want to quickly capture what I see in my view, the view capture commands are useless; and at least for me, this has always been the most common use case
** it appears that if the capture passes match the render settings passes, and the viewport render has completed, then raytraced will actually just capture; but usually that is not the case, and I end up staring at a whited-out rhino window that is unable to hear the ESC I am trying to send it; I have more often just killed rhino rather than wait it out