ViewCaptureToFile rerenders, why?

I had assumed that after waiting for all the raytraced cycles to complete, by doing ViewCaptureToFile it would simply save the result I see in the view.
Apparently, it restarts the whole cycle process from scratch.
Is this expected? Can it be avoided?

It is also impractical because it is an invisible process:

  1. Rhino seems idle,
  2. there is no cycles progress visible, even if you do ViewCaptureToFile, before the cycles are completed,
    …so the temptation to hit Escape is high.

Even if it restarts (better not), it would be much better if you would see the progress on the viewport. This should be possible, right?

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If you have settings that mean effectively different resolution or higher sample count the yes, that is expected.

I think this is a comprehensive write up of what is the problem with the current behavior:

That would make sense, except that it looks like they are the same


Nevertheless, on the second part of the question why does Rhino goes a coma, why not showing the progress?

I think there is a progress bar shown in the status bar.

Until anything is improved here I’d suggest using _Render over view captures of Raytraced.