Wish Option to externally Refresh Model Object & Bake to Tekla

Hi @sebastian.lindholm,

In an upcoming update could we have the option to externally in addition to having these options in the dropdown menu inside the components? Much like how Elefront Bake components work.

Refresh Tekla Reference Object in the Model Object.
Bake to Tekla in the Beam Component.

Also as part of this workflow, the option to see buttons in the Grasshopper component in the Tekla grasshopper component would mean I can run one of my current scripts without having to jump over the grasshopper every time.


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Hi Matt,

Here’s a C# component that lets you execute context menu commands, that should let you trigger the Refresh and Bake options as part of the solve:

TriggerContextMenuCommand.gh (13.6 KB)

I might be off with the use case you have in mind for buttons, but buttons will show up as true/false options in the GH component UI. The definition is then re-triggered by clicking Modify with an inserted component instance selected, allowing you to run the definition with the selected option enabled.

In your case it sounds like it would work better with the Grasshopper Application:

Same deal, but now you don’t need any inserted component, just set the option in the dialog and click Run. It seems the Button might be missing as a control that shows up but in that case just use a Boolean Toggle instead.



Let me think about this more and do some testing with what you have given me, but I feel buttons need to stay as buttons in the UI having to remember to switch them to False/Off defeats the object of having them.

Could you give an example of what you’d expect to happen when you click a button in the GH component dialog? If it involves baking to Tekla that’s not going to produce duplicated objects, but there are probably other ways to achieve the same result.

It should be possible to show “real” buttons in the dialog that, if pressed, would call Modify() on the selected component instance. This should re-solve the definition with the button set to “true”. It would then need to automatically solve once more directly after, the second time with the button set to “false”. Then I think it would mimic behavior straight from GH. But curious about the use case.
