Wish - Layout groups

Hi there!
I like the new layout manager in Rhino WIP and the way how Rhino deals with layouts. One wish, probably discussed before…Would it make sense to allow grouping layouts into foldable menus? Something similar to “create sublayer” command, so that you can easily control the number of visible layouts/sheets you are currently working on. What do you guys think? Or is this already registered as a wish?

See the picture



See RH-28175.

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Another feature that would be very, very handy and clean up the workspace: Layout tabs that act as dropdown list of layouts that basically act as groups of layouts(or up/sideways depending on toolbar setup). I work in the marine industry and it would be great to organize layouts by type, area of vessel, supporting details, etc…

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@dale, is there an update on this feature? It would be really great to see this. I work on architectural projects with many layouts and the panel indeed gets quite messy at times. Some way of organising layouts in groups or folders would be very helpful!

Yea, of all the great features of this software, this seems like a triviality to implement. As mentioned, would mean a lot to all of us that uses Rhino also for larger scale layout and production of drawings.