WISH: add option "show last hidden" and "unlock last locked"

Names should be: “show last hidden objects” and “unlock last locked objects”

Would be nice if you can just temporarily hide group of object and then right after one or couple commands show it, but with keeping other hidden objects (that are hidden some time before) still hidden. Same thing for locked objects.
Sometimes that would be more handy then “show selected objects” or “unlock selected objects” because you wouldn’t need to pick one by one object to show or unlock.

This would be very usefully like option: _SelLast (select last created object), which I like very much…
If someone maybe knows such a option already exist please share it…

Thanks for replies!

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Do the Isolate and IsolateLock commands in the RH6 WIP do what you need?

@margaret, the help file for RH5 has hits for Isolate (see picture) but following the links gets one to the Hide-related page where there is no mention of anything isolate-related.

Hi Wim,

Not so sure if that is exactly what I had in mind. I still haven’t try out that, but most convenient solution would be if it’s just extension of “Visibility panel” so you can combine it with visibility panel options like “invert selection and hide”, or “hide objects” or “swap hidden and visible” options. When I say combine I mean to use this tools one after another in sequences if you know what I mean.

Still If there is new option “Isolate” and “Isolatelock” it will be helpful for sure! I will try it.

This is bizarre. Isolate is a feature in Rhino 6. How it is that the search is finding this when it does not appear in the Rhino 5 help is beyond me. I’ll look into it further. Thanks for pointing it out.

Hi Dordek - you can use the’Hide buckets’ tools in the visibility toolbar -

in fact you can make your own ‘Isolate’ tool - These are macros for the -Hide and -Show (with dash) commands - you get to name a set of hidden objects and bring it back - show the objects - using that name.

`! _-Hide _Pause “C” _Enter’

So an Isolate can be made with, for example

! _Select _Pause _Invert _-Hide "IsolateBucket1" _Enter

and ‘unisolate’

! _-Show "IsolateBucket1"


I’ve often wanted that kind of function your explaining. Its like putting object you want temporarily hidden on their own layer and turning them on and off at the layer instead of temp hide. Often times we don’t want to hide the whole layer, just a couple items. I myself would have a couple instances of temp hide.—Mark