How can I show the last hide object in Rhino?

Let’s say I have a box; I like to tweak things inside.
I hide the lid and tweak. then show the lid again.
The problem is all the things I hid before will show up along with the lid, and I really want to only show the lid which is the last thing I hide.

So, I like to ask if there is a command that can do that, show the last thing I hide, not all of the invisible things from the past.

I know I can find the hidden object in the layers and light it up, but that would be too inefficient.

Thank you!

There are a bunch of commands inside the icon that you typically use to hide and show objects. I suggest to use the “Show selected” command.


use isolate then unisolate at such points, that will leave all the other hidden stuff out of the game.

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Check the Visibility Toolbar


  • select the lid and left-click to Hide A
  • tweak things inside box
  • select the lid again and right-click to Show A

Three possible show/hide sets using these 3 buttons.

This uses the Name of Object Set command line option of the show/hide commands.



If you use the command line type ShowSelected.

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@encephalon @davidcockey @kev.r @Rhino_Bulgaria

Thank you all for your answers.
I think ShowSelected is the best one I can get.
But with ShowSelected you need to choose the one you like to show.

I do hope there is this Show-the-Last-Hidden-One button that exists.

You have many objects; you have already hidden dozens of them.
You notice something wrong, you hide the lid, tweak a bit, show the lid back(only).
How simple?

exactly that would be covered by isolate, there you of course select the objects you want to keep and call isolate, you can even hide further things away in that state which will just vanish into the regular hidden space, after calling unisolate you end up where you started before using isolate excluding what you hid regularly. i use that a lot if i just want to hide a few things away from an object to get better to it.

but i also use a lot setobjectdisplaymode setting an outer object to wire which lets you get further in very fast either.

I use 4 ways to bring back the visibility of certain objects (some are already mentioned above):

  1. ! _ShowSelected (after the object was previously hidden);
  2. ! _Isolate and ! _Unisolate;
  3. ! _SetObjectDisplayMode;
  4. Assigning the object to a separate layer to quickly toggle its visibility (also useful to lock the object to prevent selecting and modification).

Thank you! You are right! Hide A and Show A can do the things I was asking!