some other things… in no particular order but related to what you’ve said…
as you can see with the example of how autosave works by saving to the open file, that means a file in your dropbox folder is going to be uploading itself every time autosave does it’s thing…
the problem (or one of the problems) with that is-- as i understand, osx autosave only saves new data which has been added to the file… or, if i have a 5MB file which i’ve drawn a new circle in, autosave won’t re-save the whole 5MB file plus the circle… it only saves the circle which has been added… (again, this is how i understand it and an example of why i don’t like using autosaves which don’t work like this… sketchup autosave, for instance, will resave the entire file and everything in it every time it updates… that is also what happens with dropbox… if you’re working on a 10MB .3dm via your dropbox folder, autosave with may add 100KB worth of data to a file but dropbox will now re-upload the entire 10.1MB file…
(in other words, if you’re working on a decent size file via the dropbox folder and your upload speed isn’t super fast, dropbox will constantly be uploading throughout your drawing session)
anyway, maybe at this point, it’s not too good to work on rhino files which are in an auto-updating dropbox folder… probably better if you pause dropbox while working on a .3dm or manually controlling when the file syncs… or what i do is copy/drag (option key + drag) the file to the desktop, work on it, drag it back to dropbox when finished… (but that’s because a lot of the time i’m using phone tethered internet and this avoids unnecessary bandwidth use)
if you want ‘Save As’ in mavericks, go to the file menu and push/hold the option key… you’ll see the ‘duplicate’ item change to ‘save as’… or:
Shift-S → SAVE (which is also used to save a version snapshot)
Cmmd-Shift-S → DUPLICATE
opt-cmmd-shift-S → SAVE AS
however, using ‘Save As’ expecting past conventions (open a saved .3dm, do some stuff, Save As, original file is left unchanged, and a new file with the changes is saved) will not work out right…
to get similar results now on mac, the trick is to do the Save As when you first open the file instead of waiting til the end… that will leave the original file untouched then a new working file which is storing the autosaves & versions as you go forward…
again, autosave and versions is still working regardless of the system pref mentioned earlier… if you want to do SaveAs’s and you can get in the habit of doing them first, i think it’s better to have that pref set to off… because you won’t need it anymore and the questions in the dialog become unnecessary… (because if you ‘revert’ at this point, you’ll end up with two identical files with different names… SaveAs has already given you the untouched original plus a new file with a new name.
[another workaround to the behavior you’re seeking which doesn’t require duplicating the file is to open the file via rhino’s ‘New Using Template’ dialog (shift-cmmd-N)… that may still be as annoying as duplicating but it will allow you to keep the original file untouched then you’ll get a SaveAs dialog at the end in the same way you would upon trying to close a fresh/empty .3dm
i’ll probably add another thing or two later